Member-only story
Love and Attachment
In a capitalist society we are bogged down with the idea of gaining more attachments. We are possessed by the wanting of more. We consume to no end thinking the more we have the better we will be. This isn’t anything new or unusual that you’ve heard and if you haven’t come to some realization about the danger of consumption then you’re ignoring it or you’re a capitalist.
“The things you own end up owning you.” Tyler Durden says this in Fight Club. You can experience this situation through consumption, especially if you have high ambitions of owning nice things without the means to obtains them. You can pretty much get in a payment plan for anything nowadays. I know a lot of people that are in this boat. They have a nice car, a nice apartment, some nice appliances and possessions, but they are in a dire financial situation. They can’t let their foot off the gas lest they lose their possessions that they haven’t quite paid for yet. What happens when life throws them a curveball or they need a change in their structure? They are stuck as they cannot stop working because they are owned by their possessions.
This concept has the unfortunate application of tying itself to love. Many of us walk around with the concept that our partner is a possession. We monitor their habits and movements. We lose apart of ourselves to keep them in check. We carry around resentment at the ready for if they…